Where parents go

when they don't know where to go.

It Takes a Village to Raise a Child

You have found your village.

Parents. Grandparents. Families.

A web of professionals surrounding & supporting you.

What You've Found

Community. Education. Support.

In other words.....


ParenT(w)een Village

Connection comes from a combination of knowing WHAT to say or do and WHEN & HOW to say or do it. Tune in to workshops with experts who help you with the WHAT...and join our community calls to explore the WHEN & HOW.

Trusted Expert Network

The only professional networking organization geared toward folks who work with kids & families that also puts you in community with your ideal clients!

Connection is Protection

Humans are wired for connection.

And yet society tells us we have to go it alone, somehow.

Families are not alone in navigating challenges with teens and tweens.

Professionals are not alone in trying to share their services with the families they can help.

We believe that the tighter of a web the professionals can weave, the more connected, supported, and knowledgeable parents will feel.

And the more connected, supported, and knowledgeable parents feel, the better they can connect with and advocate for their kids.

And the fewer kids we'll lose to suicide.


of teens feel “persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness.”


of students reported emotional abuse by a caregiver or other adult at home.


of students said a caregiver or other adult in their home lost a job.


of U.S. high school students reported perceived racism.

More numbers....

According to www.pewresearch.org...


...of U.S. parents with children younger than 18 say they are extremely or very worried that their children might struggle with anxiety or depression at some point.


...of parents of teens say they are extremely or very worried that their teen’s use of social media could lead to them being exposed to explicit content.


...of parents who say they at least sometimes check what their teen is doing on social media.


...of parents who say parenting has been
a lot harder than they expected.

Get Connected

There is a place for every family and every professional who wants support.

Join The ParenT(w)een Connection today!

Join Our Facebook Groups

The ParenT(w)een Connection Facebook group is geared toward folks who support kids between the ages of 10 and 20.

The Families Stronger Together Facebook group is for families with kids of ALL ages.

Both groups support families, no matter what!

"You are truly making the world a better place!"

"Support is needed. like. never before."

"Can't wait to see what amazing opportunities you'll provide and learn more

about what's coming next."

Our 'Kids'

It may shock you to learn that we don't have kids of our own.

At least not of the human variety. We have two lab mixes, Luna Belle (chocolate girl) and Chara (caramel and white boy) who are our canine 'kids.' We are dedicated to growing The ParenT(w)een Connection out of a desire to help families avoid - or at least minimize - the impacts of the kinds of experiences we had as kids.

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